Monitor quality of electronic documents in one place

On-premise software that allows you to verify document quality before inserting it into a digital repository

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Why using DocsQuality

DocsQuality allows you to automatically verify the quality of all electronic documents in the entire organization

Easy Set-Up
Easy Set-Up

DocsQuality can be easlily integrated to with your document flow systems via dedicated API.


DocsQuality works with various types of documents and files including PDFs, JPGs, PNGs, Tiffs and many others.


DocsQuality is designed to work in different document flows including mails, document flow systems, ERPs and CRMs.


DocsQuality checks for blurriness, poor hand-written text, distortions, lighting and many others distortions in electronic document.


You can configure DocsQuality to work with eMail clients, cloud appliations or with local storages.

Technical Support
Technical Support

Our experts will help you to install, configure, intgegrate & run docsQuality to match your needs.

Designed for Business

DocsQuality uses AI and ML methods trained on over 100 000 real business documents to detect unreadable content and obscuration such as bad lightning in scans, unreadable hand-written text, stains on paper, poor quality of photo-scanned documents, and many others.

1. Main Features

DocsQuality allows you to monitor and verify the quality of all incoming electronic documentation in the entire organization in one place. Docs quliaty monitors distortions such as:
- poor hand-written text
- blurrines
- inapropriate brightness
- uneven lighting of the document (for photo-scanned documents)
- other than document objects in the photo-scanned image

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2. Document Quality Monitoring

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Monitor documents quality with DocsQuality

DocsQuality is easy to set up, either as a SaaS soultion or offline installable software.

  • Download Install Package

    Download install package from our our download site without registration. One month free package subscriptions allows you to use DocsQuality for free. You can change from free to paid plan anytime.

  • Register for Trial Period

    After trial period you can choose to one of the licence plans depending on number of documents processed by DocsQuality

  • Check for updates and new Features!

    DocsQuality is constantly developed and is being equipped with new features and functions.

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Your Document Workflow with DocsQuality

DocsQuality is a tool that allows you to automatically verify if a digitical document you input to your document flow system or repository is of apropriate quality.

Install Package
Install Package

If you want to deploy DocsQuality inside your organization infrastructure you can download installable offline package. DocsQuliaty will not be available outside your organization and all documents will be processed internally.

DocsQuality Online
DocsQuality Online

If you want to quickly integrate DocsQuality you can use online DocsQuality Online. Register your account and integrate with DocsQuality API with your systems.

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Schedule a Meeting for a Presentation!

If you want to see the capabilities docsQuality offers or have any questions, contact our team to get to know more about docsQuality!

DocsQuality increases your document flow efficiency

DocsQuality is a tool that allows you to automatically verify if a digitical document you input to your document flow system or repository is of apropriate quality.

Save Time
Save Time

Reduce Time-consuming incoming Electronic Document Quality Validation

Increase Quality
Increase Quality

Reduces number low quality scanned and digital documents in your digital reposotory


DocsQuality prevents unreadable documents and content to be uploaded to your document flow systems

Simple Pricing, Instant Sign Up

First of DocsQuality is free of charge. After one month you will be asked to purchase on of licence plans.


99 € / year
  • 5000 Pages / month or 10 000 pages / year
  • PDF Support
  • Email Support


Get Started Now


999 € / year
  • 20 000 Pages / month or 250 000 Pages / year
  • All File formats
  • Dedicated Support for special types of documents.
  • EMail Support


Get Started Now


9999 € / year
  • Unlimited Number of documents and pages
  • Support for all types of files
  • Dedicated support for special types of documents
  • 24/7 Premium Support


Get Started Now

Why to Use DocsQuality

Monitor Quality of digital documents in your organization in one place. Minimize the risk of processing low-quality, unreadable and poorly scanned documents in your document flow systems.

We have integrated DocsQuality with our internal tool - the carrier's portal. Now we do not have to manually review every document that our partners send us - thanks to docsQuality, we are sure that the documentation sent does not contain scans and photos of shipping documents of inadequate quality.

@IT Manager, Freight Forwarding Company

One of the applications for which we design docsQuality is document archiving. Thanks to docsQualty, our potential customers who digitize hundreds of documents can verify whether their content, such as barcodes and QR codes, have been correctly applied to each document and whether the scanning process itself has been properly carried out.

@DocsQuality - CTO

At docsQuality, we also think of small companies that handle hundreds of scans of cost invoices and receipts from their contractors. DocsQuality is easily integrated with the document flow system. Thanks to this solution, we are able to quickly identify illegible receipts or invoices that we have received and notify the customer about this fact. In this way, we save our and our clients time and money.

@DocsQuality co-founder

Frequently Asked Questions

Our team is trying to create a solution that is easy to integrate with the existing learner circulation systems and their processing.

DocsQuality is a universal tool that allows you to automatically verify the quality of documents processed in your organization. DocsQuality uses advanced analytical business intelligence functions that detect undesirable features in documents that make reading and analyzing documents difficult, such as unreadable handwriting, blurring and smears of the document, overexposure, dirt on the document and others. DocsQuality can be easily integrated with any electronic document flow and management system. Its implementation will improve the efficiency of document processing and ensure their legibility at every stage of processing in your organization.

DocsQuality works for documents worldwide and works with documents written in every language. In case of any questions regarding specific local features of DocsQuality, contact our support team on

The easiest way to start working with DocsQuality is to use the online version. Simply create your account od docsQuality account and use a dedicated API. If you want to use DocsQuality offline you can also download the installable package or contact our support on

DocsQuality is a licensed software. Depending on the type of license, the fees are paid monthly or annually. Depending on the number of documents you will process, you can choose the most convenient license for you. More information on pricing can be found on our website in the "Pricing" section.

In case of problems or questions regarding DocsQuality, please contact our support:

Still have a question? Ask your question here

Want to know more about DocsQuality? Let’s discuss

DocsQuality is continuously being developed - let us know about the features you would like to see soon!

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